Since 24 years, Al-Safa Tours today is one of the leading names in the Haj and Umrah Industry, having served thousands of hajis in fulfilling their duties & obligations towards Allah. Our commitment towards customer satisfaction by invoking a blend of luxurious accommodation, delicious cuisines and unmatched devotion towards serving the Guest of Allah is the only reason for our success and continued growth. We are approved by The Ministry of Minority Affairs - India and by the Ministry of Haj - Saudi Arabia.
Al-Safa Tours with a righteous objective in mind to facilitate the community in fulfilling the religious obligation of a lifetime and to empower pilgrims to travel to Islamic holiest cities with comfort, dignity and in proper frame of mind.
State your intention to put yourself in ihram.
"I answer your call, O Allah, by an 'Umra'
The ihram is a state of sacralization that all Muslims must adopt before performing UMRAH and haj. This state must be respected throughout the duration of the rite. The ihram presupposes a change in your behavior and actions, but do not get me wrong, you will only reach the true state of sanctification when you formulate your sincere intention to perform the UMRAH or haj and recite the prayer of the talbiyah. Thus, someone who puts himself in a state of sacralization without being sincere has not accomplished his ihram correctly. Men and women enter sacralization differently. Read on for more details.
For men: shave, comb, shave or trim facial hair, cut nails and shave body hair. Take a bath or wudu (wudu) with the intention of entering sacralisation, but without using toilet water or perfumes. To sincerely repent of the sins committed.
Dress with an ihram garment that consists of two pieces of plain white cloth. Wrap one piece around your waist and cover your upper body with the other. Just wear sandals or flip-flops that do not cover the backs of your feet. Do not cover your head. These simple clothes signify the equality of all before God. Thus, the wealthiest of kings and the poorest beggars wear similar clothes during the hajj.
For women: As for men, women should shave body hair and wash, wash, avoid using perfume, etc. They must not wear makeup or use cosmetics. However, apart from sandals that remain mandatory, women do not have special dress to wear during the ihram. They can wear their usual clothes as long as they are clean and modest.
Declare your intention and recite the talbiyah. The sacred places of pilgrimage are surrounded by a sacred boundary called Miqat. Pilgrims can not exceed this limit if they are not in a state of sanctification or ihram. When a pilgrim in the state of ihram introduces himself to the miqat, to one of his six historical entrances, he pronounces the niyyah which is a short statement of his intention to perform the UMRAH. Before leaving the miqat, the pilgrim recites the talbiyah, a prayer he will often repeat during his pilgrimage. The words of the talbiyah are as follows:
"I answer your call, O my Lord, I answer your call, you who has no partner, I answer your call. Praise, grace, and kingship belong to you, you who have no partner. "
"Labbaikal lâhumma labbaik, labbaika la charīka laka labbaik, innal hamda, wan ni'mata laka wal moulk, the charîka lak"
If on reaching the miqat the pilgrim is not in a state of sacralization, he must enter ihram before passing.
Note: the Sunna wants us to cross these passages and to enter the religious buildings of the right foot.
Head to the Ka'bah which represents the most sacred place of Islam. When you arrive in view of the Ka'bah, look at it and stand among the crowd saying "Allahu Akbar" (God is the greatest) three times, then say "The Ilaha Illallah" (He does not there is no other deity than Allah). Recite other sacred verses if you wish. Bless the Prophet Muhammad peace be with him and humbly offer your prayers to Allah. It is a propitious and favorable time to pray and implore divine generosity.
When entering the compound of the Sacred Mosque of Mecca, it is recommended to move your right foot forward and say:
"In the name of Allah, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Messenger of Allah; O Allah, open to me the doors of Your mercy; I take refuge with Allah, the Majestic and with His Noble Face, His ancient power against the banished Devil. "
Bismil-lâh, was-salâtu was-salâmu alâ rassûlil-lâh, allâhumma-ftah lî abwâba rahmatik. A'ûdhu billâhil-azīmi wa wadjhihil-karīmi wa sultānihil-qadīmi minash-shaïtânir-rajīm.
Complete tawaf. Tawaf or circumambulation is a ritual during which Muslims revolve around the Ka'bah. Before starting, the men should check that their ihram outfit is secure so that the piece of cloth that covers the upper body passes under the right arm and covers the left shoulder while leaving the right shoulder uncovered. .
Then move to the right. Move closer to the Black Stone, the eastern corner of the Ka'bah and if possible embrace it. If you can not get close enough to kiss her, touch her with your hand. If you can get close enough to touch or kiss her, carry your hands to your ears and recite this short prayer: "Bismi'llah Allahu akbar wa li'lah al-hamad" (in the name of Allah, Allah is the greatest and to him are the praises). Do not push others and do not fight for a chance to touch the Black Stone.
Run the sa'ey. The word sa'ey means "run" or "make an effort". In practice this consists of going back and forth seven times between the hills of Safa and Marwa, which are respectively north and south of the Ka'bah. Originally, this walk was done in the open, but nowadays, the journey takes place in a long covered corridor.
Arriving at the top of Safâ, recite:
As-Safa and Al Marwah are really among the sacred places of Allah. So whoever makes a pilgrimage to the House or does the Oumra does not commit sin by going back and forth between these two mountains. And whoever does a good work of his own accord, then Allah is All-Knowing, All-Knowing. [Surah 2 Al Baqara: verse 158]
Inna-Safa wal-marwata min sha'a-iri Allahi faman hajja-lbayta awi'tamara fala junaha 'alayhi an yattawwafa bihima waman tatawwa'a khayran fainna Allaha shakirun' aleem
Then, climb Mount As-Safa, but you do not have to go to the top of Mt. Climb just a little bit and then balance yourself, place yourself to face the Kaaba and say three times: "Allahu Akbar"; Then, you will say:
"There is no deity worthy of worship but Allah alone; no partner with Him; to Him belong kingship and praise, and He is omnipotent. There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah alone, He has fulfilled His promise, rescued His servant, and defeated the Allies alone. "
"Lâ ilâha ilal-lâhu wahdahu la sharifka lah, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu wa huwa ala kulli shaï'in qadir, ilâha illal-lâhu wahdahu andjaza wa'adah, wa nassara abdah, wa hazamal-ahzâba wahdah."
You will repeat this evocation three times by making between them the invocations that you desire among the goods of this world and of the hereafter. If you limit yourself to a number lower than this, no one will reproach you in-cha-Allah. Raise your hands only at the moment of the invocation; you do not have to raise them when you proclaim the greatness of Allah three times.
Then go down from As-Safa and head to Al Marwah walking normally, alluding to Allah and imploring Him for your good, that of your family, your Muslim brethren using invocations that are you easy. At the beginning of the green mark, you have to "run at high speed", according to your abilities, until you reach the other green mark. Then, you walk normally again and continue your journey until you climb Mount Al Marwah. When you have arrived at Al Marwah and the Auras, place yourself in the direction of the Kaaba and repeat the invocations and evocations as you did in As-Safa.
Always in this same way, start again this course to reach the seven turns starting with As-Safa to finish at Al Marwah. So, your departure from As-Safa to Al Marwah counts as one turn, and your return from Al Marwah to As-Safa for another round.
Shave your hair or cut it. After completion of sa'ey, men must shave their head or cut their hair very short, both formulas are acceptable but shaving is preferable. However, a man may not want to shave his head during the UMRAH if he intends to perform the rite of haj a few days later, because this rite also includes a shave of the head. On the other hand, women should not shave their heads, but they can cut a lock of their hair or cut their hair and shorten it by a few centimeters.
The UMRAH ends after the haircut and the restrictions of the ihram are lifted. You can resume normal activities, wear your usual clothes, etc. However, if, like many pilgrims, you decide to perform the Haj pilgrimage in the following days, know that to be able to do this, you must enter the Ihram state again.
Put yourself in Ihram again and declare your intention to do haj. Most of the pilgrims who perform the pilgrimage of the tamattu 'have a few days of rest between the UMRAH and the haj and therefore for reasons of comfort, they leave the state of sacralisation after the execution of the rites of the UMRAH. However, like the UMRAH, the haj requires to present oneself to God by being pure and submissive and therefore the pilgrims must return to a state of sacralization before beginning the haj. As mentioned above, wash, wash and wear your ihram garments. When you are ready, say another niyyah:
"I answer your call, O Allah, by a Haj"
Recite the talbiya thereafter, and do it as often as possible. The rite of Haj lasts five days, from the 8th to the 12th Dhu al-Hijjah. You must keep the ihram for three days and refrain from doing the prohibited activities until the end of this period.
Head to Mina. During the first day of the haj, the pilgrims go to Mina, a city near Mecca where they spend the rest of the day. On this site, the Saudi government has installed amenities in the form of a multitude of air-conditioned white tents to house the pilgrims. During the first night, no special ritual is planned and therefore you can devote your time to prayer and meditation with other pilgrims if you will. Several pilgrims choose to pray the dhohr, asr, maghrib, isha and fajr.
Note that in Mina, men and women are in separate tents and adjacent to each other. Thus, the spouses can remain in relation, however it is forbidden for men to enter the tents reserved for women.
Go to Arafat and complete the waquf. During the second day of the haj, the pilgrims go to a nearby mountain named Arafat. They must arrive there during the afternoon to perform the rite of the waquf or the stop at Arafat. From the beginning of the afternoon until sunset, the pilgrims gather on the plain and spend their time praying and meditating.
Stand in the direction of the QIBLA by raising his hands to make invocations and the TALBIYA. The best word to say in the afternoon of Arafat's day is:
"There is no deity (worthy of worship) other than Allah, Alone, without associate,
to Him belongs the sovereignty and to Him the praise, and He is Capable of all things.
Pray to Muzdalifah. After dusk, the pilgrims head for a place called Muzdalifah between Mina and Arafat. In this place, they offer God the evening prayer and sleep under the stars on the ground.
The next morning, pick up pebbles (a size a bit larger than chickpea grains) that you will use to perform the rite of "stoning" or ramy later in the day.
Perform the rite of ramy at Mina. Before sunrise, the pilgrims return to Mina. There, they participate in a ceremony that symbolizes the stoning of Satan. The pilgrims successively throw seven pebbles at a stele called Jamrat al Aqabah, saying Allahu Akbar at each throwing.
The pilgrim must make sure that these pebbles fall into the basin (AL-HAWDH), and for that we must approach them, without upsetting their brothers. No need to use force when throwing.
Sacrifice an animal. After the ramy ceremony, it is obligatory to sacrifice an animal (Qurbani) in honor of God. In the past, each pilgrim made the sacrifice individually, but today it is more common to pay the amount of the offering and to have a voucher in exchange. This good means that an animal will be sacrificed on your behalf. After the sale of the vouchers, a trained staff will slaughter a sheep for every pilgrim or camel for seven pilgrims, it will parcel the animal, pack the meat and send it to Muslim communities around the world to feed the poor.
The sacrifice of an animal can be done on 10,11 or 12 Dhu al-Hijjah. If you are obliged to delay the execution of the ramy, complete it before making the sacrifice.
Shave your hair or cut it. As for the UMRAH, pilgrims have to cut their hair. Men get shaved their heads or cut their hair very short and if a man has chosen to have short hair during the UMRAH, he can opt to have his head shaved, but it is not mandatory. Women can cut a braid from their hair, but they do not shave their heads.
Complete tawaf and sa'ey. As in the UMRAH, during the haj the pilgrims must perform the rites of tawaf and sa'ey at Ka'bah and on the neighboring hills. The rituals are performed in the same way as for the UMRAH, but it is strongly recommended to perform these ceremonies after the rituals of stoning, sacrifice and haircut.
The completion of tawaf and sa'ey marks the end of the state of sacredness and you can resume your usual activities that were previously prohibited. At the end of the third day, return to Mina and spend the night there praying.
Restart the ramy ceremony after twilight on the fourth day and the fifth day. In Mina, you have to participate once again in the stoning ceremony. This time, you will not throw pebbles only at the Jamrat al Aqabah, but also at other steles, the Jamrat Oolah and the Jamrat Wustah. First, throw three pebbles to the Jamrat Oolah, then glorify Allah and summon him by raising your hands. There are no special invocations to say and so do yours. Repeat the rite for Jamrat Wustah. Finally, throw your pebbles towards the Jamrat al Aqabah. Afterwards, you will not need to make invocations and you can go home. Repeat this ritual on the fifth day after dusk.
Complete the farewell tawaf. Finally, you have reached the end of your pilgrimage. To mark the most important religious experience of your life as a Muslim, complete the final tawaf by walking around the Ka'bah seven times as explained previously. When performing the farewell tawaf, meditate about the thoughts and feelings you experienced during your pilgrimage. Glorify Allah and beseech him.
Note that foreign pilgrims must leave Saudi Arabia on 10 Muharram, the first month of the Muslim calendar.
Because what drives us is to obtain the approval of Allah SWT.
Because it is the cement of our community
Because it is the condition of our success and yours, here and in the hereafter.
Because the pilgrim must never be abandoned to himself during his journey.
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